Hello everyone! I finally got sometime last night to scrap and I'm so pleased with how my project came out! As I mentioned before, I have been receiving daily emails form
Brave Girls Club and the message from
yesterday was such an inspiration to me that I decided I wanted to put in on a wall hanging to inspire my family as well. I used digital supplies that I already had and made my page. Then I backed it with some thin cardboard (a Mt. Dew box, lol) but then I wasn't sure how I wanted to go about hanging it. Then I came across this post over at
My Digital Art Studio and knew exactly what I wanted to do. When I saw this photo, I knew it immediately!
SO pretty!! So, here is my finished project:

Here are some closer shots so you can see the detail a little better (remember, you can always click on the photos to see it bigger):
I hung it at the top of our staircase in the hallway. I hope it inspires anyone who sees it!
On to an update on Grandma. On Monday, the 1st, Grandma got put on Hospice. The new team came out to meet all of us and they were very nice. Sophie was the Social Worker and Lynn was the nurse. Grandma had another breathing episode while they were here. They took her BP and it was 226/138!! They ordered an oxygen machine and some meds to try to help calm her if/when this happens again. Which, so far it hasn't, Praise God!!
Then on Wednesday I got a call from Hospice and found out that the girls that took care of Papa are going to take over Grandma's care as well! We are
so thrilled! We now have Trisha as her nurse and Teena is the CNA2. Right away Trish ordered a much smaller wheelchair., one that we can use in the house. We still had Papa's, but it's too big for Grandma and too big to maneuver through the house. Her new one arrived the very next day. I call it Go, Go Grammy! It's the cutest little red framed wheelchair, perfectly sized for her. What a blessing!
Today, Teena came out and gave Grandma a head to toe bed bath. She did such an amazing job! Grandma got her hair washed, which she loved! :) What would we do without our Hospice family?! I
don't want to know!
Before I go, I wanna give a birthday shout0out to my friend Kim!! I hope your whole weekend is blessed! I love you girl!
I hope you
all have an amazing weekend! The weather here has been so beautiful! I'm
really hoping we'll be able to get out and do something as a family this weekend, too. Be Blessed!